Dubrow Diet - Basic Principles And Benefits

Dubrow Diet - Basic Principles And Benefits
Dubrow Diet - Basic Principles And Benefits

The Dubrow diet is one of the most popular diets recently, created by the star of the Hosts of Orange County, Heather Dubrow. Dubrow (actress, podcast host and business entrepreneur) writes The Dubrow Diet: Interval Nutrition That Will Help You Lose Weight and Feel Forever Young with Her Husband, Terry Dubrow, Plastic Surgeon and Doctor of Medicine (known for her show Botched). The TV couple not only claims that their system can help you lose weight, but also that it can help tighten your skin, grow hair and give you energy.

What is the Dubrow diet? Read below and you will find out:

Principles of the Dubrow diet?

The Dubrow family focuses this three-phase plan around the idea that when you eat is just as important as what you eat. That is why it is described as interval feeding - you consume calories over a period of time, combining this with a low-calorie diet.

The time range in which you can eat is about 12-16 hours depending on the phase you are in. Here are the three phases:

Phase 1 - This is the period in which weight loss begins and includes fasting for 16 hours for 5 days. For example, you can eat only between the hours of 13:00 and 21:00, 8-hour window. Also, the diet is quite restrictive (no alcohol or simple carbohydrates).

Phase 2 - This is the phase in which you reach your desired weight - there are several ways to achieve this. For example, you can fast 12 hours five days a week or fast 16 hours two days a week. The foods you eat are quite similar to those in the first phase.

Phase 3 - This phase lasts almost indefinitely and is more or less the same as Phase 2, but you can now afford another "cheat", because you are used to the plan and your body is in maintenance mode.

On the page of the Dubrow diet on Heather's website, she claims that diet it can lower insulin, fight chronic inflammation, change your skin and even activate an anti-aging cellular "self-cleansing" process. In interviews, Dr. Dubrow explained that they had conducted a clinical trial of 100 people to assess the success of the diet. The average weight loss, he said, was 20 kilograms.

Opinions about the Dubrow diet are quite contradictory

Dubrow diet - basic principles and benefits
Dubrow diet - basic principles and benefits

Honestly, many of the opinions are negative. Not because the diet itself does not work, but rather because the couple's explanations about interval feeding and what the regimen should include are quite sparse.

For example, one Amazon user described the book as nonsense, and another said that if you were interested in Dubrow's diet, you just had to go to Barnes and Noble and review the book for 15 minutes because that would be enough.

Another thing that causes dissatisfaction in people? Some believe that diet does not actually contribute anything new or revolutionary to the theory of periodic starvation for weight loss.

Okay, the idea behind it the Dubrow diet it's not brand new, but can it still help me lose weight?

Well… maybe. The science of intermittent fasting generally looks promising, although it is evolving, said Amy Gorin, owner of Amy Gorin Nutrition in New York City.

After all, if you want to lose weight, it may be better to take advice from a registered nutritionist instead of your favorite real housewife.

Interval fasting can really help to some people to lose weight, but it seems that Dubrow's attempt to rebrand it as a new trend called interval feeding turns out to be unimpressive for many people who have decided to take the book or try the regimen.
