Constipation And Depression Lurk If You Overeat

Constipation And Depression Lurk If You Overeat
Constipation And Depression Lurk If You Overeat

We usually eat protein when we are trying to build extra muscle mass, when the body needs energy or to strengthen our immune system.

However, as with most nutrients, one must have a well-balanced balance. Oversaturation of the body with a certain nutrient, even if considered useful, can lead to side effects.

The decision to replace carbohydrates with foods that are rich in protein can lead to a number of problems. Most often, this causes impaired kidney function and normal functioning of blood vessels.

Here are the other effects of overeating:

Bad breath

Carbohydrate deprivation leads to ketosis. Although your body begins to burn fat instead of carbohydrates, the side effect is bad breath. It occurs due to the chemicals released during the burning of fats, which are called ketones. In 95% of cases, even regular brushing does not help against dragon breath.


Studies have shown that the brain needs starch and carbohydrates to produce the important hormone serotonin, also known as the hormone of happiness. A study conducted in Australia shows that deprivation of carbohydrates for half a year can lead to irritability and severe depression.



Fitness instructors often say that to build muscle mass you need to regularly take protein in the form of cottage cheese and chicken breast, for example. What will save you is that in order for the digestive system to be healthy, you need to go to the toilet regularly. In order for the process to be regular and healthy, the stomach needs fiber. The recommended daily intake is 25 to 35 grams of fiber. If they are missing from the menu, constipation, bloating and discomfort will appear.

Excess weight

Research is clear that with protein, although it will help you lose a few pounds, the effect will be short-lived. It has been shown that people whose diet includes 90% protein intake are more likely to be overweight than those who have a balanced diet.
