Every Third Vegetarian Eats A Place When He Is Drunk

Every Third Vegetarian Eats A Place When He Is Drunk
Every Third Vegetarian Eats A Place When He Is Drunk

A study found that 69 percent of vegetarians ate meat when they drank too much alcohol. This means that every third vegetarian has secretly violated the meatless diet by family and friends.

However, this trend only occurs when vegetarians are under the influence of alcohol. In a sober state, vegetarians did not touch anything meat, the researchers told the Daily Telegraph.

One in three vegetarians has openly admitted to abusing meat when drunk, most often reaching for a beef kebab or burger.

39% of drunken vegetarians have eaten kebabs on their stomachs, and 34% of them said that the beef burger tempts them the most, according to the survey.


The other sinful vegetarians ate bacon, fried chicken and sausages with pork, the percentages being distributed respectively 19%, 14%, 14%.

69% of respondents said that after sobering up they never steamed a meat dish again, while the remaining 31% gave up the vegetarian diet forever.

According to the data of the British food voucher company Voucher Codes Pro, 1789 vegetarians for the territory of the United Kingdom are registered on the company's official website.

The new study is important to the loved ones of all vegetarians because it shows that they need to be supported when they drink more, because many non-carnivores bitterly regret the next day that they violated their regime, says George Charles of the voucher company.

According to world statistics, 10% of the people on the planet are vegetarians, which includes all types of vegetarianism - from a menu that includes fish and seafood to the lack of consumption of food of animal origin.

Most vegetarians are in India - as much as 80% of the population. Followed by the British - approximately 7%, and Americans - 5% of the total population.
