Small Portions Save The Diet

Small Portions Save The Diet
Small Portions Save The Diet

If you want to deal with extra pounds, the first thing you need to do is reduce portions. This is a good alternative to diet.

You do not need to follow a diet if you eat small portions of food. Reducing portion sizes will help you fight excess weight.

To make it easier for you, use smaller plates - so the food will look more, and this will help you get full. Also, learn to eat more slowly - it takes the brain 20 minutes to know that you have eaten.

Weight loss
Weight loss

With the help of small portions of food you can keep your blood sugar level to a minimum and thus control the feeling of hunger.

The secret to eating small portions is to eat 5-6 times a day, but always keep your portions small. This way your weight will be normal and you will have enough energy.

Instead of storing ready-made food in a large plastic box, divide it into several smaller ones - so you will not be tempted to eat almost everything in the large box.

Weight loss
Weight loss

Do not place large food containers such as pots and bowls on the table during meals. The only exceptions are our favorite salads.

The following small portions are recommended for one meal: one hundred grams of pasta or one hundred grams of legumes, one or two slices of wholemeal bread.

No more than one fruit such as banana, grape or peach is recommended. The portion of meat should be no more than one hundred grams, and the egg - no more than one. The small portion of fish is one hundred grams.

Of fruit juices, no more than one hundred milliliters per drink is recommended. The same goes for dairy drinks. In small portions it is recommended to add no more than thirty grams of cheese.

The transition to small portions should be gradual. Abrupt switching to small portions is not good for the body because it will experience stress and begin to accumulate fat.

Switching to small portions is done by reducing the portions by one spoon each day. This way you will gradually be able to make your portions small and your body perfect.
