Summer Menu Against Cholesterol And Weight

Summer Menu Against Cholesterol And Weight
Summer Menu Against Cholesterol And Weight

It is quite natural to eat less in the summer. It is enough to follow the rule of four and a half bowls of fruits and vegetables a day, plus three skim milk. This will provide you with invaluable fiber, calcium and other important nutrients.

If you are ready for a summer diet, you can start with the following products:

Summer menu against cholesterol and weight
Summer menu against cholesterol and weight

Yogurt for calcium and protein

Yogurt is considered a key ingredient in diet menus. Eating yogurt three times a day helps to lose weight. A bowl of yogurt contains 30% of the body's daily needs for calcium. Protein and calcium support the immune system, prevent infections and care for the gastrointestinal tract.

Tomatoes and peppers for vitamins

A medium-sized tomato has only 35 calories, but gives the body as much as 40% of vitamin C and 20% of vitamin A. In addition, tomatoes have a high content of lycopene. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that gives red color to many fruits and vegetables. Lycopene is used in the prevention of various types of cancer.

Summer menu against cholesterol and weight
Summer menu against cholesterol and weight

Peppers also contain beneficial antioxidants, such as beta carotene. It strengthens the immune system and protects against cell damage caused by free radicals. In addition, peppers contain an abundance of vitamin C.

Just half a cup of green, yellow or red peppers is enough to get 230% of your daily vitamin C needs.

Legumes for fiber

Summer menu against cholesterol and weight
Summer menu against cholesterol and weight

Legumes, peas, lentils, all types of beans, etc., are sufficiently nutritious and a good source of fiber, iron and protein. These tasty little berries can satiate you very easily and curb your appetite for more high-calorie foods.

Their advantage is that they contain few calories, little saturated fat and do not contain cholesterol. Half a bowl of frozen peas has 65 calories and an average of 115 calories for the same amount of beans.
