Ten Interesting Facts About Zucchini

Ten Interesting Facts About Zucchini
Ten Interesting Facts About Zucchini

Zucchini is among the most consumed food not only in Bulgaria but also in the world. They are present in salads, stews, main dishes, casserole, rice dishes. look interesting facts about zucchini!

1. A legend says that zucchini were given to people by the gods. Once upon a time, the wife of a fisherman turned to them with a prayer to give her a vegetable as soft as a fish, the color of the sea on a moonlit night and with a crust as strong as a turtle's shell. Got a zucchini.

2. Zucchini are a variety of pumpkins and are often not only light green, as is most common in our markets, but also dark green, white or yellow.

3. Zucchini came to Europe in the XVI century, but for a long time they were grown only as an ornamental plant because of their beautiful colors.

4. Zucchini contain many vitamins (A, E, C, H, group B, PP, beta-carotene), mineral salts and trace elements. They are low in calories - only 23 kilocalories per 100 grams.

5. Vegetables are also rich in pectins, which normalize the water-salt balance in the body, purify the blood, normalize cholesterol levels and generally improve metabolism.

6. Zucchini contains many antioxidants, which, however, can be destroyed by heat treatment. Spanish scientists have conducted a large-scale experiment and proved that the optimal way to cook zucchini is to bake them in the oven or in the microwave.

7. There is evidence that frequent use of zucchini in the menu works well in overweight people.

8. The nutritional value of zucchini seeds increases as they ripen and stay. A Massachusetts experimental station has shown that the protein content of zucchini seeds stored for more than 5 months has increased.

9. The mask of zucchini puree brightens and rejuvenates the skin, saturating it with vitamins and antioxidants. These procedures are especially suitable for dry skin, rough from the sun.

10. Zucchini give us another culinary surprise - their colors, which are suitable for frying, roasting in casserole dishes, cooking in soups and adding to salads. In Greece, they are stuffed with rice, cheese and aromatic herbs and baked in tomato sauce or fried in a deep fryer. For more delicious ideas with zucchini, check out our gallery.
