The Herb Cat's Claw Is Rich In Antioxidants

Video: The Herb Cat's Claw Is Rich In Antioxidants

Video: The Herb Cat's Claw Is Rich In Antioxidants
Video: Save Our Catchment - EP05 - Cat's Claw Creeper a Contemporary Land and Water Management Issue 2024, December
The Herb Cat's Claw Is Rich In Antioxidants
The Herb Cat's Claw Is Rich In Antioxidants

The herb cat's claw is a liana plant. His homeland is Peru. It can also be found in the tropics of South and Central America.

Cat's claw has been used for thousands of years. It was also known to the local Indians and the ancient Amazonian tribes, who used it as a universal remedy for many diseases - inflammation, heart and stomach problems, wounds and more.

In Bulgaria, cat's claw can be found mostly on capsules obtained from ground inner bark of the herb. The herb is famous for its most powerful antioxidant action. It is used to permanently increase the body's immune defenses. It has anti-inflammatory and tonic effects.

One of the best remedies for the formation of white blood cells is the extract of this herb. It is even believed that taking it is a kind of cancer prevention. Therefore, it is used in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Its detoxifying effect is similar to that of green tea.


Its powerful antioxidant action the cat's claw due to the catechins, tannins, procyanidins and sterols contained in it. They have strong anti-inflammatory activity, protecting against viral infections, colds and flu.

In addition to all the above, the composition of the cat's claw makes it a suitable remedy for other symptoms and diseases such as stress, overexertion, muscle pain and fatigue. It calms the nervous system, and the specific enzyme in it converts harmful saturated fats into unsaturated ones.

It treats sinusitis, respiratory infections, allergies, asthma and high cholesterol. As it has been proven to cleanse toxins from the intestines, it is used in diseases of the colon and digestive system.

The use of Cat Claw does not require a doctor's prescription. However, it should be borne in mind that it should not be taken by pregnant women, nursing mothers and people with organ transplants.
