Eat Blueberries To Become Geniuses

Eat Blueberries To Become Geniuses
Eat Blueberries To Become Geniuses

If you find that your memory has been cheating on you lately, don't blame your PIN for that, just start eating blueberries.

Breakfast of this fruit will prevent loss of concentration in the afternoon. And in the long run it will protect you from senile dementia.

Only 200 grams blueberries per day are enough to improve your concentration by 20 percent. The small blue fruits simply increase attention in the short term, and in the long term - keep the brain healthy.

Blueberry juice
Blueberry juice

If you make it a habit to eat blueberries regularly, your brain will be even more grateful, because they will give it extra energy, and that is exactly the part that is related to memory.

This is due to the flavonoid chemicals contained in blueberries. They open the blood vessels, after which the blood flow increases. As a result, brain activity improves.

All this was announced by scientists at the Festival of Science in the UK and will further strengthen the image of super-healthy food, which is famous for blueberries.

As is already known, they have a positive effect on people with heart problems, in cancer, and have antioxidant properties. Blueberries have another property that will appeal especially to women - they slow down the aging process.
