How Many Blueberries To Eat Daily And Why Are They So Useful?

How Many Blueberries To Eat Daily And Why Are They So Useful?
How Many Blueberries To Eat Daily And Why Are They So Useful?

Blueberries are small fruits that are rich in many vitamins, including vitamin B1, vitamin B2, calcium, iron, potassium and many others.

In addition, they contain huge amounts of antioxidants, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, increases blood flow and thus supports blood circulation, and helps prevent colon cancer. This is only a small part of the benefits of blueberries, but later in the article we will look at others. There are several types of blueberries - black, blue, red.

All these benefits of this wonderful fruit tell us that its regular use will not harm us. It is right to eat between 120-150 g of blueberries in everyday life. Blue or black are recommended.

A number of studies and research for the effect of blueberriesmade in England show that they wave people to get rid of extra pounds. Among the subjects were overweight people who had problems with high blood pressure, high blood sugar and cardiovascular disease.

Thanks to daily consumption of blueberries and their useful ingredients, improved heart rate, normalized blood and high blood sugar.


Another benefit of blueberries is that they can be used as a natural dye or so-called. food coloring. Why give money for "harmless" paints and dyes when we can use something from nature.

We already understood what are the benefits of blueberries, and now we will understand why to use them as a colorant!

There are many different types and colors of food coloring - blue, red, green, orange, yellow, indrishe and many others. What the manufacturers do not tell us, however, is related to their negative effect on the body. Many of these dyes are banned from distribution and sale in the United States, England, France, Sweden, and a number of other European countries. And for this, of course, there are good reasons.

Some of them contribute to the development of tumors, such as colon cancer, thyroid cancer, bladder tumor, brain tumor and others. In addition to tumors, they can cause eczema, allergic reactions and asthma attacks and a number of other negative effects on our body and body.

blueberry smoothie
blueberry smoothie

Therefore, instead of artificial paints, we can and should use the gifts of nature. Replace them with natural dyes that we can get from blueberries, red cabbage, spinach, beets, nettles, carrots and many other fruits and vegetables.

As we already know, blueberries are fruits that grow on shrubs. Unfortunately, it is difficult to grow them, because they like higher mountain places and grow in an area above 1000 m above sea level. However, when we find or buy, we must know that the fruit should not look shiny.

It should look dusty because it shows that it is fresh and with preserved qualities. However, when we return, we must wash this "powder" from the blueberry before consuming it.
