Folk Medicine With Dandelion

Folk Medicine With Dandelion
Folk Medicine With Dandelion

Dandelion is extremely effective in kidney stones, as well as in inflammation of the gallbladder. The herb is also effective for spring fatigue, purulent boils and others. Dandelion extract can be made very easily - with the help of two tablespoons of finely chopped roots and leaves of the herb.

Put them to soak in half a liter of cold water and after 5 to 8 hours the extract is ready. Take one cup of coffee before meals. If you suffer from painful and bleeding hemorrhoids, you can prepare a decoction of the following herbs:

- 100 g of water pepper stalks and a shepherd's purse. To them add 60 g of sorrel roots, 50 g of white mistletoe twigs, 30 g of dandelion and dilyanka roots, buckthorn bark, yarrow stalks, pine needles and rose flowers.

Mix the herbs and mix them. In a suitable container, bring 600 ml of water to a boil on the stove. Then pour 2 tbsp. of the mixture in water and cook for one minute.

Remove from the heat and let the mixture soak for an hour, after which you can strain. Drink the decoction six times a day for 80 ml. Drink a quarter of an hour before meals and half an hour after.


The following recipe is effective for chronic prostatitis:

- Mix 100 g of hazelnut bark and stalks of goldenrod, 50 g of dandelion root, white oman and thunder, bearberry leaves and hop cones.

Put 2 tbsp. of herbs in 600 ml of boiling water and boil for 3 minutes, then leave the mixture to soak for half an hour. Strain and drink in the same way as the decoction for bleeding hemorrhoids.

If you suffer from kidney stones, make the following decoction to feel relief:

- Mix 20 g of licorice root and 50 g of dandelion root, anise and parsley, sprigs of stalks. Heat a liter of water on the stove and after it boils, pour 2 tbsp. of the herbal mixture.

Remove from the heat and leave the infusion for half an hour, then strain. The mixture is drunk in small sips and slowly, necessarily in the morning on an empty stomach. It is good to do this procedure for a few days.
