Today We Celebrate World Chocolate Shake Day

Today We Celebrate World Chocolate Shake Day
Today We Celebrate World Chocolate Shake Day

The combination of milk and chocolate is a symbol of perfection, a cup chocolate milkshake is a real pleasure that you can afford today because of September 12 we note world chocolate milkshake day.

Its light and creamy structure makes it a perfect dessert that you can give yourself at the end of each day.

This miracle of sweet drinks was invented in 1885 and spread very quickly around the world. But at the time, milkshakes were very different from the ones we drink today.

IN the first milkshake ice cream was not part of the shake recipe. Eggs, some whiskey and various flavors were added to the milk, but in 1900 the recipe changed.

In the early twentieth century, the electric mixer was invented, and this device turned milkshake in what we know today.

Ice cream becomes the recognizable ingredient in the drink, and when cocoa is added to it, the shake becomes even more popular.

Use today's good occasion - the day of the chocolate milkshake, treat yourself to a glass of chocolate milkshake. You have a wide variety of chocolates so you can make a recipe to your liking.
