Today We Celebrate Potato Day

Today We Celebrate Potato Day
Today We Celebrate Potato Day

On August 19 we note World Potato Day - the food that is most often present in our menu. Whether it's chips, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, baked or fried potatoes, potatoes are always delicious.

The cultivation of potatoes began between 5000 and 8000 BC in southern Peru and northern Bolivia. Since the discovery of the New World, this vegetable has spread around the world.

In their various variants of preparation, potatoes are a favorite food of millions of people. They can be served as a main course, or they can be made into flour, from which bread and pancakes can be prepared.

In the Middle Ages, the poorer part of the population of Ireland survived thanks to potatoesas though vegetables, they are filling enough to be eaten for lunch and dinner.

And in Russia, they have discovered another benefit of potatoes - their conversion into alcohol. The popular Russian vodka is distilled from potatoes, which shows that this vegetable can be both eaten and drunk.

Prepare a potato dish for breakfast, lunch or dinner today to celebrate the feast of potatoes, as you can mix the potatoes with your favorite ingredients and choose the option that you will enjoy the most.
