The Japanese Tea Ceremony

The Japanese Tea Ceremony
The Japanese Tea Ceremony

In the Japanese tea ceremony there are two main directions - ritual and weekday. The ritual ceremony can be reproduced very difficult, it is impossible without years of preparation.

But the weekday Japanese tea ceremony can be easily performed. You will need a bamboo mat, a teapot with a handle on the side and a few tea cups.

You also need Japanese tea. The Japanese tea ceremony is suitable for people who want to turn drinking tea into a small holiday without spending much time on it.

It is good to have ikebana on the table, this is enough, because the Japanese style is characterized by minimalism. The Japanese tea ceremony is suitable for a person who drinks his tea alone or for silent company.

The Japanese tea ceremony
The Japanese tea ceremony

Various meals and drinks are served before drinking tea, and various desserts are served during the tea ceremony. The meaning of the Japanese tea ceremony is to treat the guest with tea and together with him the host to enjoy the beauty of the world.

Its purpose is to help people reach their inner balance and feel their connection to the universe. Japanese tea is similar to powder, which should be very slowly broken down with water, adding a drop of boiling liquid.

This is done with a special whisk designed to turn tea into foam. Tea is served with Dayagaku Imo - sweetened potatoes. You need three hundred grams of potatoes, a little oil, four tablespoons of sugar, two tablespoons of water, one tablespoon of soy sauce, one tablespoon of sesame seeds.

Wash and peel the potatoes well, cut each potato in half and then cut into slices. Leave them in water for ten minutes and dry them well.

Fry in oil until golden. In a small bowl, mix the sugar, two tablespoons of water and soy sauce and bring to the boil, stirring. Fry the sesame seeds and add to the sauce.

Put the french fries, hot sauce and a bowl of cold water on the table, as well as chopsticks. Take a piece of potato with them, dip it in the sauce, then in a bowl of cold water, then place it on a greased plate.
