Sweetened Products Lead To Weight Gain And Depression

Sweetened Products Lead To Weight Gain And Depression
Sweetened Products Lead To Weight Gain And Depression

It is no coincidence that in recent years so much has been said against products that are sugar-free but still enviably sweet. You can guess that they are full of artificial sweeteners, enhancers and preservatives, etc.

Experts are alarmed that products such as Cola Light, Pepsi Light, sugar-free chewing gum, as well as most products that say they are sugar-free or with sweeteners, can cause enormous damage to health.

The reason for this lies in a substance known as aspartame. Aspartame is considered the most dangerous food supplement and is found to the greatest extent in the above foods.

Aspartame was discovered accidentally in 1965 by chemist James Schlatter, who worked for the pharmaceutical company G. D. Searle. While looking for a new medicine for an ulcer, one day, accidentally spilling the substance out of the container, the chemist licked his fingers lightly and tasted its sweet taste.

It was later found that the new product was 200 times sweeter than sugar. The discovery was made public in 1970. Aspartame contains phenylalanine (50%), aspergic acid (40%) and methanol (10%).

Sweetened products lead to weight gain and depression
Sweetened products lead to weight gain and depression

Many scientists consider aspartame to be a chemical poison and generally the most dangerous possible food supplement. He is prescribed about 75% of side effects due to dietary supplements. According to reports to the FDA's Side Effect Monitoring System, 92 symptoms have been officially reported over the past 25 years based on more than 10,000 complaints.

Some of the symptoms associated with aspartame are milder, while others are quite serious. These include headaches, which may include migraine, memory problems, nausea, weight gain, rashes, depression, insomnia, vision and hearing problems, palpitations, difficulty breathing, loss of taste, impaired speech, dizziness and dizziness. world, joint pain, etc. Sad statistics show that even deaths have been reported.

These symptoms are so common that some doctors even talk about "sports disease." By comparison, saccharin has had only about 10 complaints in the last almost 100 years.

According to experts, the following diseases are particularly at risk for triggering or complication as a result of consuming foods containing aspartame:

Sweetened products lead to weight gain and depression
Sweetened products lead to weight gain and depression

multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, brain tumors, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson's, diabetes, Alzheimer's, attention deficit disorder, autism and many, many more that the FDA does not focus on.

There is ample evidence that aspartame severely impairs brain biochemistry.

Dr. Russell Blaylock, a professor of neurosurgery at the University of Mississippi Medical School, writes in detail about the harm caused by ingesting large amounts of aspartic acid in his book, Excitoxins & The Taste That Kills..

It describes the cause and the way in which the nervous system is damaged. Asperginic acid, which is contained in this sweetener, has been shown to destroy the brain structure of mice.

There are many registered cases of people who have lost their sight as a result of consuming "dietary" foods containing aspartame. In the United States, there are 5 officially documented deaths among pilots addicted to the consumption of products containing nutrasuite.
