Carbonated Drinks Damage The Kidneys

Carbonated Drinks Damage The Kidneys
Carbonated Drinks Damage The Kidneys

Data from American and Japanese scientists have shown that the consumption of even small amounts of carbonated beverages can have a negative effect on the kidneys.

Ryaohei Yamamoto of the Faculty of Medicine at Osaka University and his colleagues conducted a study involving nearly 8,000 volunteers.

They were divided by the specialists into 3 groups, according to the amount of carbonated drinks they drank.


The first group included 1,342 people who admitted to drinking 2 bottles of 0.3 liters of carbonated beverages.

The second group included 3055 people who drank 1 bottle of the same amount of carbonated beverage.

And in the third group participated 3579, who did not drink soda at all.

At the beginning of the study, all participants had healthy kidneys. The test lasted a little over 2 years.

During this time, 10.7% of volunteers who drank at least two bottles of soda a day developed proteinuria - an increased protein content in the urine, which is a symptom of kidney pathology.

In the other two groups, the number of people suffering from this disease was significantly lower - 8.4% among the participants who did not drink carbonated beverages, and 8.9% among the volunteers who allowed themselves to drink one bottle.


At the end of the medical analysis, it turned out that people who drank 2 bottles of soda a day, irreversibly damaged their kidneys.

The American scientist Augustin Gonzalez-Vicente from the Western University Case in Cleveland conducted a similar experiment with rodents.

He found that even a small amount of fructose could cause the kidneys to become more sensitive to angiotensin II, a protein that regulates salt balance.

This can cause the kidneys to reabsorb and the organs to start absorbing various substances from the primary urine.

Through the negative effects of carbonated beverages, scientists explain why the consumption of corn syrup, which contains large amounts of fructose and is widely used as a sweetener, can cause various diseases, including diabetes, kidney failure, hypertension and even obesity.
