Two Soft Drinks A Day Ruin The Kidneys

Two Soft Drinks A Day Ruin The Kidneys
Two Soft Drinks A Day Ruin The Kidneys

According to recent studies, two soft drinks a day are enough to ruin our kidneys. The first study was done by Dr. Riohei Yamamoto of the Faculty of Medicine at Osaka University.

He found that consuming only two soft drinks could cause proteinuria. Proteinuria is actually a common symptom of kidney dysfunction and is an increase in protein in the urine.

More than 8,000 university employees took part in the study. The results show that after an average of 2.9 years, 10.7 percent of people who drink two or more soft drinks a day will develop proteinuria.

For comparison - only 8.4 percent of those who do not drink soft drinks will develop this condition over the same period. Slightly more at risk are those who consume one soft drink a day - 8.9 percent of them will develop proteinuria.

The second study on the harm of soft drinks was done by Augustin Gonzalez-Vicente, who works at Case Wastern University. In his research, Vicente used rats - he wanted to study how sugar from soft drinks affects kidney function. Most drinks are sweetened with corn fructose syrup.


After conducting studies with rodents, Vicente's team found that sugar from soft drinks increased the sensitivity of the kidneys to angiotensin II. This is actually a protein that regulates salt balance. Due to this increase, the reabsorption of salt by the kidneys also increases.

The results of this study by Augustin Goznales show that the consumption of soft drinks can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure or kidney failure.

In fact, soft drinks are not being tested for the first time. According to other studies, they harm the liver, our teeth, our figure and last but not least our bone system.

Their consumption is not recommended or at least it is desirable not to drink from them every day. Experts remind that drinking such drinks instead of water is also not desirable.
