How To Facilitate The Digestion Of Heavy Food

How To Facilitate The Digestion Of Heavy Food
How To Facilitate The Digestion Of Heavy Food

Do you remember that unpleasant feeling of regret that appears as soon as you are over-consumption of a favorite food? Well, it happened to all of us. It is definitely very nice to enjoy the dishes we love, but the consequences of overeating can be terrible.

Overeating slows down digestion, depending on the type of food you eat. As food is retained in the abdomen, it can begin to compress the diaphragm, which will lead to unbearable symptoms such as difficulty breathing, heart pain, heartburn and others.

Here are some effective ways to facilitate the digestion of heavy food with the help of home remedies.

Drink herbal tea

Mint tea aids digestion
Mint tea aids digestion

Consumption of herbal teas can actually help the movement of food through the digestive tract and relieve discomfort. Drink chamomile tea, chicory tea, green tea or any other herbal tea you like.

Try mint

Suck on mints immediately after eating. Mint contains menthol, which helps relieve flatulence, upset stomach and nausea. You can also drink a cup of mint tea to soothe the symptoms.

Use apple cider vinegar

Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink it. This immediately will help digestion and will restore bowel function. Apple cider vinegar contains healthy probiotics that strengthen the gastrointestinal tract.

Add a pinch of turmeric

Turmeric with water for good digestion
Turmeric with water for good digestion

Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory spice that has antibacterial properties and is high in antioxidants. All these health benefits are due to the compound curcumin, which has the ability to relieve discomfort caused by overeating. All you have to do is add a pinch of turmeric to a glass of hot water and lemon, and then drink it.

Try a spicy drink

Digestion of heavy food
Digestion of heavy food

Spicy drinks are known to relieve discomfort after eating heavy foods. In a glass pour warm water, add lemon and a pinch of hot red pepper. Drink it to stimulate the liver and detoxify your body. This drink is a combination of powerful ingredients that can easily soothe stomach pain, gas, bloating and acid reflux.
