Effects Of Heavy Consumption Of Soy Products

Effects Of Heavy Consumption Of Soy Products
Effects Of Heavy Consumption Of Soy Products

Soy is a plant that belongs to the legume family. It is part of many different products and is quite a popular product today. An important component in the composition of soy are isoflavones.

Soy products contain axerophthol (vitamin A), tocopherol (vitamin E), biotin and B vitamins, and also contain many amino acids that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body.

Soy composition

- High protein content (35%);

- Approximately equal proportions of fats and carbohydrates (17%);

- Vitamins and minerals (5%);

- Dietary fiber and starch (12%).

Effects of heavy consumption of soy products

1. Effect of soy on men's health

Soy consumption and men's health
Soy consumption and men's health

Soy products contain isoflavonoids - plant compounds similar to female hormones. For men, the use of these substances is undesirable, as in large quantities they are able to suppress male hormones and disrupt testosterone production. They also cause a disorder in the production of hormones in the thyroid gland and prevent the penetration of iodine into the body. These processes lead to:

- Slow metabolism;

- Reducing the efficiency of the body;

- Reduced hormone production.

Soybeans contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are oxidized in the body and damage it at the cellular level. This is a hormonal disorder and therefore men are not recommended to abuse soy products.

2. Effect of soy on women's health

Soy products strengthen the skeletal system and lower blood sugar. They clean the bile ducts and help prolong the menstrual cycle. The benefits for women from soy consumption are:

Soy milk
Soy milk

- Reduces cholesterol deposits in the blood;

- Restores the work of brain cells;

- Reduces body weight;

- Reduces the risk of tumor formation in the mammary glands;

- Removes radionuclide isotopes from the body, which are contained in places with high radiation.

According to the latest data soy slows ovulation, but it doesn't bother her. They also do not affect sperm concentration. It is also useful in menopause, because the isoflavone substances contained in it have an action similar to female hormones. A glass of soy milk a day compensates the woman's needs for useful macro- and microelements, and also relieves the symptoms of menopause.

Today there is widespread information that the use of soy has a negative effect on the thyroid gland. The reason for this is that it is a gotrogenic product that enlarges the thyroid gland, slows down its functions and causes various diseases.

Recommended do not consume soy productsif you have dysfunction of the thyroid gland and the endocrine system in general. If after using these products you notice that you have any health problems, then be sure to consult a doctor. Don't ignore this as well abundant consumption of soy products can lead to feelings of weakness, pathologies of organs and systems, as well as contribute to the emergence of serious disorders of the immune system and metabolism.

How can you consume soy if you have thyroid problems?

Soy products and thyroid problems
Soy products and thyroid problems

- Use only fermented soy products (tofu cheese, pasta), but do not eat processed beans (powder, protein shake);

- Its use is not recommended in case of iodine deficiency in the body;

- It is not recommended to eat soy products during the treatment of thyroid disease, as they can suppress the effects of drugs;

- Do not abuse the optimal dose of supplements with soy, which is up to 35 milligrams per day.

Furthermore consumption of soy in large quantities may cause an allergic reaction: swelling, rhinitis, skin rash. Therefore, in case of thyroid dysfunction, it is better to refrain from using such products.

To this day, scientists are still arguing and unable to reach a consensus on the benefits and harms of consuming soy products. However, once you know what effect it has on the body abundant consumption of soy products, you can safely include them in your diet.
