Cleanse Your Body With Honey Water

Cleanse Your Body With Honey Water
Cleanse Your Body With Honey Water

Everyone knows how useful honey is, but for the benefit of honey water it is not known who knows how many. It has been used since ancient times to treat various diseases and to beautify women, as well as a delicious drink on the table.

To make honey water, we need to dissolve one teaspoon in one teaspoon of water. Thus we get a thirty percent solution of honey, which is similar in composition to that of blood plasma. Honey in unboiled water forms clusters, ie structures it.

This increases its healing properties. Honey water is quickly and completely absorbed by the body. One of the most pronounced effects of honey water is the improvement of digestion and increase of immunity.

The chronic runny nose disappears, the bronchitis remains only a memory, and the secretion from the lungs liquefies and leaves the body. Dissolve the hardened particles in the stomach and cleanse the whole stomach.

Hard deposits often accumulate around the waist, so when you start drinking honey water regularly, it is possible to increase the circumference of your waist.

This should not scare you, because it means that the hard deposits have become soft, swollen and begin to leave your body. The purification of the body with honey water occurs at the cellular level.

Runny nose
Runny nose

Honey water increases the antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effect. It normalizes the work of the colon and restores the microflora of the stomach.

Honey water also helps the kidneys. Honey is hygroscopic and collects water, so the kidneys and bladder are unloaded at night and manage to rest.

For prophylactic purposes, honey water should be drunk early in the morning on an empty stomach. A tea cup of honey water is drunk on ex. This is very important because the fluid enters the intestines and from there seeps into the blood.

Honey water is an ideal cosmetic. You can wash your face with it every morning and evening. It nourishes the skin, makes it soft, velvety and tender.
