Tips For Saving Energy During Cooking

Tips For Saving Energy During Cooking
Tips For Saving Energy During Cooking

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Usually, when the weather starts to cool down, we return to heavier and slower dishes. It is good to think about how to use the appliances with which you cook effectively, so as not to drastically increase your electricity bills.

Here are some tips for you:

- Try to eat raw vegetables as often as possible. Raw, they are much more useful, and in this way you will compensate for any of those days when your oven will bake something 2-3 hours;

- Check that the appliances are working properly. Often the hosts do not pay attention to the fact that the door of their stove does not close tightly, but the amount of energy expended increases much more than necessary;

- Use the thermostat and timer of your oven so that you do not open and check often how far the process has gone.

- Invest more money for quality pans and pots and in time they will pay off, because they retain much more and for longer heat, thus helping to cook faster;

- Plan when you will cook what. This way you will be able to cook 2-3 things at a time using the maximum capacity of the oven instead of running it several times a day;

baking cookies
baking cookies

- When the dish is almost ready, you can turn off the oven and leave it inside until it is completely ready. It is a big mistake to almost always keep the oven switched on until the end, after which we take out the dish so that it does not burn;

- A terracotta tile, stone or piece of brick will keep the temperature in the oven high for a long time after you turn off the stove;

- If you are cooking on a hot plate - use dishes that cover the entire hob. If you want to put a smaller pot, for example, turn on a smaller stove;

- Excess energy is wasted when using the oven grill to make sandwiches or reheat food for lunch. Use a microwave or small grill that will do the job for you in a minute or two;

- If you have decided to prepare something that requires a lot of time, help yourself to a pressure cooker;

Trust us and you will see that this will help your monthly electricity bill.
