The EU Will Grow A New Type Of GMO Corn

The EU Will Grow A New Type Of GMO Corn
The EU Will Grow A New Type Of GMO Corn

The European Union has allowed the cultivation of a new type of genetically modified corn, which is a product of the American company Pioneer.

This decision was reached due to the lack of consensus between the member states.

France led the idea of banning the new TC1507 maize, but after Germany abstained during the vote, the project to ban the crop was rejected.

The TC1507 maize cultivation permit remains in force, but some Member States intend to take a safeguard clause similar to that in 2008, when France, Austria, Hungary, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria and Luxembourg banned the cultivation of genetically modified maize on their territory..


International and Bulgarian agricultural and environmental organizations have called on MEPs not to allow the cultivation of new genetically modified maize.

In Bulgaria, any approval of GMOs is flatly rejected by citizens, environmental, agricultural, beekeeping and other organizations.

In 2010, after a series of protests against the admission of GMO crops on Bulgarian territory, the parliament imposed a total ban on the cultivation and trade of such crops in the country.

Surveys then showed that 97% of Bulgarians do not want to eat GMO products.

In Bulgaria, foods containing GMOs are completely banned and according to Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Yavor Gechev, there are no such products in our markets.

Consumption of Corn
Consumption of Corn

"Several simple rules must apply in the market - the consumer is God and he has the right to make informed choices. If he wants to choose something that has unnatural lactic acid and palm oil, let him do it. But he must know it "- commented Yavor Gechev.

He also drew attention to product standards, stressing that they are voluntary and have been introduced to meet the need for consumer information.

"If there is yogurt that cannot be consumed by young children, it has no place on the market," Gechev added.
