Record High Prices Of Tomatoes This Summer

Record High Prices Of Tomatoes This Summer
Record High Prices Of Tomatoes This Summer

Tomato prices reached record highs this summer. The wholesale values of the red tomato are BGN 1.50 per kilogram, and of the pink tomato - BGN 2 per kilogram.

Experts blame the hail and torrential rains for the high prices, adding that there is no tendency for tomato prices to fall at the end of the season, as has happened in previous years.

"The rains that fell at the end of May and June have greatly worsened the harvest, now tomatoes are becoming more expensive and will continue to rise, as the losses are large for farmers," said the organizer of the commodity market in Parvenets Radoslav Naskov in front of the cameras on btv.


The producer adds that in previous years at that time tons of tomatoes were harvested, but this summer this is not the case.

Other Bulgarian farmers say that because of the rainy spring, the tomatoes have contracted various viruses, which have destroyed much of the crop. After the rains, manna appeared on most of the plantations, which the farmers could not cope with.

The lack of Bulgarian production increases the import of tomatoes from Greece and Turkey, for which it is claimed that their kilogram will be offered for BGN 1.20.

Some of the Bulgarian producers also say that this year they will harvest most of their harvest in August and September, which means that the preparation of winter vegetables will be delayed.

Cherry tomatoes
Cherry tomatoes

Many farmers are disappointed with their last harvest and say they have been farming for the last year.

Farmers in the village of Shishmantsi say half of their tomato plantations have been destroyed by moisture. However, many are trying to save later varieties of vegetables.

"We spray every fifth day with a spend of 250 milliliters, which costs 150 leva."

Most growers only hope for warmer weather to stop the spread of the infection on tomatoes.

Farmers also say that onions, aubergines and peppers are also affected.
