The Secrets Of Pastries

The Secrets Of Pastries
The Secrets Of Pastries

To prepare the most delicious pastries, you need to know a few culinary secrets. The cake is ready when it is soft and when you stick a toothpick in it, there is no dough left on it.

The sponge cake will not flatten if, after baking, you turn it over on a wire rack and leave it to cool without removing it from the pan. The same goes for cupcakes.

The cakes, Easter cakes and sponge cakes are removed from the mold after they have cooled.

The cake will not dry out if you put half an apple in a cardboard box where you put it.

The baking paper will not wrinkle if you grease the pan beforehand, then put in the baking paper and press it.

Pies and fruit cakes should not have too much fruit, because otherwise the dough becomes wet. Four large apples or one tea cup of strawberries or raspberries are enough for one cake.


The finished fruit cake is most delicious when sprinkled with powdered sugar. Sometimes the top of the cake bakes faster than the bottom and can burn.

To prevent this from happening, cover the top of the cake with water-soaked paper.

The pastry will acquire a beautiful golden color if you spread it with a little warm milk ten minutes before it is ready.

To cut a thick sheet, wait for it to cool.

Make incisions on both sides of the swamp and put in the incisions a thick thread folded in half. Cross the ends of the thread and pull them on different sides. Then the swamp will be cut properly.

The hot pasta is poured with cold sugar syrup, and the cooled - with hot syrup.

Do not cut hot cakes. But if necessary, soak the knife in hot water, then quickly wipe and cut. The finished loaf is not exported cold because it drops due to temperature changes.
