Advantages And Disadvantages Of Vegetarianism

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Vegetarianism
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Vegetarianism

Today, the vegetarian diet is extremely popular all over the world and is preferred by people from all over the world. It is said to be the key to our health.

Some animal rights organizations are openly against eating meat, fish and poultry. Usually a vegetarian diet consists of whole grains, vegetables and fruits.

They are undoubtedly good for our health. But have you ever wondered if vegetarian dishes are complete? Can they meet the nutritional requirements of the body? Well, there are specific advantages and disadvantages of vegetarianism. What are they?

Benefits of vegetarianism

The vegetarian diet includes mainly cereals, nuts, seeds, legumes, vegetables and fruits, and is therefore rich in fiber, folic acid, and vitamin C. Vegetables and fruits provide vitamins that are vital to a healthy body.

Legumes, tofu and seeds are good sources of protein. Vegetables contain phytochemicals that prevent the appearance of some chronic diseases. Green vegetables are rich in antioxidants and in general fruits and vegetables provide natural sugars and other important enzymes and elements.

A vegetarian diet is low in fat, cholesterol and saturated fat. As a result, it minimizes the risk of weight gain, which in turn reduces the possibility of disease, such as obesity.

A vegetarian diet is generally good for healthy weight loss because it lowers blood cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of certain disorders, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, kidney disease, kidney stones and cancer.

Thanks to the high-fiber diet digestive

Advantages and disadvantages of vegetarianism
Advantages and disadvantages of vegetarianism

features are improving. Vegetarianism also protects you from certain meat-related diseases, such as bird flu, mad cow disease, intestinal parasites, and more.

Disadvantages of vegetarianism

Although the vegetarian diet provides us with all the vital nutrients, there are some factors that are in greater quantities in meat and fish.

The diet is low in protein, calcium, vitamin B12, iron and zinc. Vitamin B12 can be found in large quantities in soy products, fortified cereals and animal products.

Meat is a major source of B12, and soy milk, plain milk and other dairy products are the richest source of vitamin D.

Chicken, fish, meat and poultry contain large amounts of iron and zinc, and milk and cheese are an excellent source of calcium. In a vegetarian diet, these nutrients are not in sufficient quantities.

Meat is rich in protein and contains all the necessary amino acids required by the body. Phosphorus, which is found in meat products, is more easily absorbed than that found in cereals and legumes.

A vegetarian diet is not recommended for people involved in bodybuilding, as exercise requires food rich in protein.

A diet that does not get enough carbohydrates and protein can lead to anemia. Intestinal disorders are common in vegetarians.

If your diet is completely free of fat, it is still not good. Certain amounts of fat and cholesterol are needed for the normal functioning of the body and the development of the nervous system.

Although it has specific drawbacks, vegetarianism also has many health benefits. If you plan your diet properly, you can avoid the problem of deficiency of certain nutrients and improve your fitness and overall health. After all, eating healthy means living a healthy life.
