How To Properly Store Vinegar

How To Properly Store Vinegar
How To Properly Store Vinegar

Vinegar was used in cooking and canning products in ancient Greece. To this day, it remains one of the main ingredients in many dishes. Various marinades are prepared with vinegar, added to soups and sauces.

To date, there are about 4,000 different types of vinegar, but the most common are: Apple vinegar, balsamic vinegar and wine vinegar. Each of them requires certain storage conditions.

No matter what vinegar you have, pay attention to the packaging in which the product is stored. It is not recommended to store vinegar in plastic or metal containers. The plastic eventually reacts with acetic acid and begins to release toxic products, and the metal oxidizes. The vinegar storage container should be glass jars, bottles, etc.

It is important that the vinegar storage tank is tightly closed, otherwise it will lose its useful properties as it will evaporate.

How to properly store vinegar
How to properly store vinegar

The bottle of vinegar should be stored in a cool and dark place. Although the manufacturers write that the recommended storage temperature of vinegar is recommended from -3 to 35 degrees, keep it in the refrigerator.

However, some types of vinegar, especially apple cider vinegar and balsamic vinegar, are recommended to be consumed chilled. Some herbal types of vinegar even need to be stored in the refrigerator, because only there they retain all their properties.

Store vinegar at home in the closet, away from various heat sources: radiator, gas stove and more. Vinegar should not be on the window or standing on the table near the window.

In this case, it may simply lose its flavor. If a precipitate forms at the bottom of the bottle, discard this product - it is hopelessly spoiled. And of course, it is important to keep vinegar out of the reach of children. The consequences of using vinegar in large quantities are detrimental.


How and how much to store apple cider vinegar

Store apple cider vinegar in a cool, dark place. Recommended temperatures for storing vinegar range from -3 to 35 degrees. However, if you made apple cider vinegar yourself, then store this product at a temperature of 6 to 15 degrees. Vinegar can be stored in the refrigerator, closet, in the kitchen cupboard away from the gas stove.

Apple cider vinegar can be stored long enough. Over time, the bottle may form reddish scales. You have nothing to worry about - the longer the vinegar is stored, the more useful it is.


How and how much to store balsamic vinegar

Balsamico has been produced for more than 600 years. Its main mass production began in Italy. To get real balsamic vinegar, you need to keep it for at least 6 months, preferably 3 years. Balsamic is produced only from grape juice and some varieties, and because of the tray it has such an attractive and unusual taste.

When buying balsamic vinegar, pay attention to the date of manufacture. The older the vinegar, the better it is for consumption. You can buy young vinegar, but then keep the bottle in a closed form at home for another 1-2 years. However, this practice requires a sealed container.

If you buy and immediately open the vinegar, it can take a long time for this process and the taste will not be the same. The richest taste of balsamic vinegar has been aging for 12 years.

If we talk about ordinary vinegar from the store, after opening the bottle, its properties are quickly lost. Store this vinegar at home for no more than a year in a dark and cool place at a temperature of 6 to 20 degrees.
