You Must Be Crazy If You Are Still Reheating Semi-finished Products In The Microwave

You Must Be Crazy If You Are Still Reheating Semi-finished Products In The Microwave
You Must Be Crazy If You Are Still Reheating Semi-finished Products In The Microwave

Semi-finished foods preheated in a microwave oven can seriously endanger health, experts warn. The reason is in the carcinogenic toxins that are released from the plastic packaging in which the semi-finished products are usually packaged. Apart from this, the accumulation of these extremely dangerous toxins in the body can seriously affect concentration, energy levels and sleep.

Carcinogenic toxins released from plastic packaging seriously endanger the digestive, cardiovascular and immune systems. They have an extremely detrimental effect on fertility, hormonal balance, blood pressure, mood and libido.

Apart from that, so-called microwave dishes have a lower nutritional value and often contain high levels of sugar, salt, chemicals and preservatives.

Studies also show that approximately 80% of the semi-finished dishes offered contain GMOs and lack organic or free-grown ingredients and additives.

If, after all this, you have not given up on semi-finished dishes, then at least put them in a glass dish and then reheat them in the microwave.

Even if you are not a fan of semi-finished products, a number of experts have warned for years that the very presence of a microwave oven in the home endangers health because it creates a huge risk of cancer.

Recent studies have shown that people who eat food that has passed through a microwave oven have serious blood disorders, with a blood count showing a significant deterioration in hemoglobin and white blood cells.

Semi-finished products
Semi-finished products

Each microwave oven is a source of electromagnetic radiation that destroys food and turns it into a dangerous organically toxic and carcinogenic product, says Dr. Lita Lee of Harvard Medical School.

Radiation from microwave ovens leads to the destruction and deformation of food molecules and the formation of new compounds (called radiolite), which are unknown to both man and nature.

Due to the force used in the process, the cells actually break down and thus neutralize the electrical potentials - the very life of the cells - between the outer and inner sides of the cell membranes. Damaged cells become easy prey for viruses, fungi and other microorganisms.
