Here Is The Healthiest Breakfast According To Doctors

Here Is The Healthiest Breakfast According To Doctors
Here Is The Healthiest Breakfast According To Doctors

The healthiest breakfast you can make at home consists of only three ingredients and you do not need to take hours to eat something tasty and useful to start the day.

This shows the latest study by a medical team at Harvard University. According to them, the healthiest breakfast is yogurt with oatmeal and berries.

Study leader Monique Body recommends starting your day with this breakfast because it will provide key substances for your body - proteins and fiber, which give the necessary energy and tone.

These substances feed the body by satisfying hunger and regulating digestion.

Experts say that you can safely use frozen berries in your breakfast, because their content of vitamins is the same as fresh, and they are cheaper.

Berries are a generous source of fiber, as well as vitamins A, C and K. These nuts, on the other hand, saturate and are suitable for consumption if you are on a diet.

Here is the healthiest breakfast according to doctors
Here is the healthiest breakfast according to doctors

Yogurt provides the necessary proteins for the body, and its consumption during the colder months of the year is mandatory because it protects against colds and strengthens the immune system.

For the Harvard medical team, you can have a healthy start to your day by eating a toast with a slice of avocado and a boiled egg.
