Myths And Truths About Sushi

Myths And Truths About Sushi
Myths And Truths About Sushi

Sushi is a favorite of many people around the world. Until recently, sushi was considered an almost exotic delicacy, but anyone who tastes it is addictive.

There are many myths about sushi and one of them is that it is actually just raw fish. However, this is not mandatory at all. In Japan, sushi according to an original recipe is made with raw fish.

But in Europe, fish are salted, smoked, marinated or cooked. These manipulations extend the shelf life of the product and reduce the risk of poisoning and infection.

Myths and truths about sushi
Myths and truths about sushi

Sushi with boiled shrimp and smoked fish is extremely tasty. Sushi is said to prolong life - this is one hundred percent true. The average life expectancy in the Land of the Rising Sun is 79 years for men and 86 years for women.

Japanese women look beautiful - their eyes glow, their skin glows, their hair is like silk. The secret is in the use of large amounts of rice, soy, fish and seafood. Everything you need to make sushi.

Sushi is good for health and it is a fact. Rice supplies our body with carbohydrates, protein, cellulose, iron, sodium, phosphorus and vitamins B1 and PP, which are responsible for good digestion and skin beauty.

Myths and truths about sushi
Myths and truths about sushi

Rice does not contain cholesterol and saturated fats, is easily digested and rarely causes allergic reactions. That is why it is the basis of many diets.

Seafood, without which sushi is unthinkable, is also very useful - squid, shrimp, octopus and all other inhabitants of the ocean are suppliers of easily digestible proteins.

In addition, they supply us with zinc, potassium, calcium, cobalt, phosphorus, selenium and other important trace elements. This boosts immunity, stimulates brain activity and protects against infections and premature aging.

A common myth is that sushi makes you fat - this myth is due to the fact that you only need a few rolls to feel completely full.

Seafood used for sushi does not contain fat, but is rich in protein, so it is very easy to saturate the voice. Fifty grams of sushi contains only sixty calories.
