Truths And Myths About Water

Truths And Myths About Water
Truths And Myths About Water

Life on Earth originated from water. The human body itself is ¾ water and it is extremely important to drink water almost constantly in sufficient quantities so that our body can rehydrate again and again.

In addition to being vital, water is also able to keep our waist thin. Drinking water often dulls the feeling of hunger, which often makes us reach for saltines or a packet of candy.

Studies prove that 2 glasses of water before each meal are able to take a few pounds of our body weight for 2 months.

However, there are several misconceptions that have gained wide popularity and which do not end the whole truth about water and its intake.

The more water, the better

This statement is half true, half untrue. One cannot live without this life-giving fluid and it is necessary to constantly obtain it. On the other hand, excessive pouring of water for no apparent reason and without feeling thirsty is not very helpful. Excessive water intake leads to loss of minerals important to the body, among which is potassium.

At least 2 liters of water per day

This postulate is rather recommended and varies depending on the needs of the individual. It is assumed that the amount of water needed for an adult varies between two and two and a half liters of water per day. However, everyone's personal needs are determined by factors such as physical activity, which increases the need for water. Climate is also important - in hot weather people sweat and need to absorb more fluids.

Water and Salad
Water and Salad

Age is also crucial for our daily intake of colorless liquid. As the number of human years increases, the water in the body decreases. We should not forget the sex of a person, which also determines the amount of water per day. The male body has a higher water content, so the stronger sex needs larger amounts daily.

The water makes us warm

As mentioned, water has such an effect, but in itself it does not have the properties of a dietary product. The only thing water does is fill the stomach for a while, create a feeling of satiety and drive away the appetite. It works well on the gastrointestinal tract and digestion, thus helping to speed up metabolism. By boosting metabolism, water can be defined as a faithful ally in the fight against weight gain.

Only water hydrates

This statement is untrue. Water is priceless, but it is ultimately replaceable by other liquids, for the simple reason that they are also made from water. Hydration of the body can come from juices and fresh juices, as well as from fruits and vegetables. As a result of chemical processes, water is released in the body.

We drink water only when we are thirsty

This statement is slightly misleading. Lack of thirst does not always mean that we are sufficiently hydrated. Even if we do not feel the need to drink water, it is good to think about it, because even without a feeling of thirst we can become dehydrated.
