Pregnant - Away From Turmeric

Pregnant - Away From Turmeric
Pregnant - Away From Turmeric

Turmeric, which belongs to the Ginger family, contains essential oils and the yellow dye curcumin. It is cultivated as a spice and medicinal plant.

The most famous turmeric is the domestic variety, also known as turmeric. The root of this plant is ground to a powder after it has dried and turned into a spice turmeric.

Turmeric is mostly used in fragrant Indian cuisine, but outside it it is preferred as a cheap substitute for the famous spice saffron, which paints dishes in a pleasant yellow color.

Turmeric is especially important for curry, as it is important color, which is characteristic of the popular spice. Turmeric gives color to many other spices, such as mustard.


Turmeric root is an excellent counteraction against the sun's rays, which makes manufacturers add it to many spices so as not to lose its appearance.

Turmeric is also used for natural coloring of cheese, yellow cheese, yogurt and salad dressings. The homeland of turmeric is considered to be southeastern India, from where this spice has gradually spread to the west.

Turmeric has a bitter-spicy taste and gives each dish a beautiful yellow color. It improves appetite and causes copious secretion of gastric juice.

Scientists are convinced that if you use turmeric regularly in your diet, it will make your body burn fat faster. Turmeric has no limits on the amount consumed per day.

However, it is recommended not to exceed the dose of twelve grams per day. This spice can be consumed by children over six years. It is forbidden for very young children and for women who are pregnant, because the tumeric in its composition has blood-thinning properties.

Unlike drugs, turmeric kills bacteria, but does not harm the liver and does not ruin the stomach. This spice has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
