History Of The Cider

History Of The Cider
History Of The Cider

Cider is an alcoholic beverage that is prepared by a special technology from fermented apple juice. The cider is highly carbonated, sweet and slightly sour. The drink has a golden or greenish color and has a strong apple aroma.

The alcohol content is about 6-7%, and according to the sugar content the cider varies from dry to sweet. In some countries, this drink is called cider because it is. This drink is made from fruits other than apples. A more popular cider is that of pears, which is called perry.

According to historians, cider was first prepared more than a millennium ago. Legend has it that the cider was obtained by chance when Charlemagne (VIII-IX centuries) once sat on a sack of overripe apples. They were crushed to such an extent that even a cider separated from them. Then apple orchards began to be planted en masse to produce the new drink.

Some scholars believe that the cider was invented by the Greeks. They are looking for a connection between the word cider and the Greek word for hard alcohol- sikera.

However, the first sources to mention the targeted production of cider date back to the thirteenth century in Spain. Subsequently, the technology spread to Normandy and Savoy. In the nineteenth century, cider was one of the most popular drinks in France.

Alcoholic Cider
Alcoholic Cider

However, the cider drink is not alcoholic in all countries. In North America, for example, unfermented and unfiltered apple juice is popular under this name. And the one that contains alcohol is called hard cider.

The cider cannot be prepared from any apples. Therefore, in countries where the highest quality ciders are produced, only selected varieties are used. Currently, the best ciders are available from France, Germany, Spain and Russia.

There are even several types of cider in France. Pure cider has an alcohol content of 5-9% and no water is added to it. There is also a cider that has added water and an alcohol content of 3-5%. There is also dry cider, sparkling cider and others.

However, all of these types are served chilled and can be consumed at any time of the day, and this refreshing drink is especially preferred during the hottest summer hours.
