10 Foods That Drive Away Stress

10 Foods That Drive Away Stress
10 Foods That Drive Away Stress

Studies show that stress is the number one culprit for eating disorders and digestive disorders. The hectic daily life seems to reduce our ability to eat both quickly and usefully. Here is a list of ten stress-relieving foods:

1. A cup of milk in the morning for breakfast or in the evening just before bedtime is a great way to load your body with vitamins B and D and protein, and the calcium in it will serve as a balm for your bones. It has been shown that increased calcium intake immediately before the menstrual cycle in women reduces the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome. If you are on a diet you can consume skim milk.


2. Avocados and bananas - These two exotic fruits are rich in potassium, which is extremely important for the work of the heart. Foods rich in this mineral help to naturally lower blood pressure.

Leafy vegetables
Leafy vegetables

3. Leafy vegetables have a high magnesium content. Magnesium relaxes the muscles and balances the levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, in the body.

Vegetables high in magnesium are spinach, Swiss beets and broccoli.

Black chocolate
Black chocolate

4. Dark chocolate - A number of studies show that the consumption of dark chocolate can reduce the level of cortisol in the body. We should not forget that chocolate also contains carbohydrates, which cause our brain to release an increased amount of the hormone serotonin, which has a positive effect on our mood. Pamper yourself without overdoing it.

5. Tea - Refresh your day with a cup of aromatic tea. The type and brand do not matter much. The important thing is to enjoy it. Remember that black tea still contains a certain amount of caffeine, so avoid consuming it just before bedtime.

Whole grain crackers
Whole grain crackers

6. Whole grain pickles - If you are wondering what to eat on the go between meals, choose pickles and crackers made from wholemeal flour. They are rich in fiber, which will satisfy your hunger, and carbohydrates will supply your body with much-needed energy and boost your mood, making your brain produce more serotonin.

7. Carrots and in general chewing crispy vegetables expels stress from the body. Don't limit yourself to carrots. Try celery - it is rich in nutrients and fiber. Fresh vegetables will satisfy your need to eat without burdening your body with excess calories.


8. Oily fish - we will never get tired of repeating it, the fat in fish is useful. They are monounsaturated, rich in omega-3 fatty acids. According to a study conducted by researchers at Ohio State University, the consumption of fish rich in fat (such as salmon, tuna, mackerel) has been shown to reduce stress levels in the body.


9. Nuts - Stress consumes energy and exhausts your defenses and thus leaves you vulnerable to viruses and infections. Consumption of almonds, pumpkin seeds or walnuts will supply your immune system with vitamins and zinc. Just a handful of nuts a day is enough to strengthen the body's defenses.

10. Citrus fruits - are rich in vitamin C. This universal vitamin for health helps people to fight colds more successfully, to cope more quickly with various stressful situations. Researchers have found that people who regularly consume citrus fruits find it easier to control the level of cortisol, better known as the stress hormone, in the body.
