We Overeat Because Of The Stress

We Overeat Because Of The Stress
We Overeat Because Of The Stress

The World Health Organization warns that the world's population is progressively obese. A recent study in the UK shows that every second person in the UK does not stop eating, even after eating.

Another worrying fact is that women eat on an equal footing with men. A survey of more than 5,000 people shows that people are increasingly susceptible to harmful eating habits. The British respondents admit that they are trampling, although they are aware of the consequences and stomach discomfort.

The main reason for food abuse is the overcoming of the stress of the long working day and the hundreds of obligations that modern man faces. Total emptying of the refrigerator is a behavior that unfortunately does not set a good example for our children. At one point, the kids perceive their parents' behavior and start cramming like them.


Experts note that proper nutrition requires each person to become slightly hungry from the table and chew their food for a long time. Long chewing provides faster satiety and improves digestion.

Ladies also need to curb their appetite. It has been proven that in cohabitation at some point a woman begins to equalize her portions with those of her partner.

Another worrying fact that experts are alerting to is the progressive obesity of Europeans. More than half of Europe's population is overweight or obese. By itself, being overweight increases the risk of developing high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular problems.
