How To Clean The Refrigerator

How To Clean The Refrigerator
How To Clean The Refrigerator

As the refrigerator serves to store the products we eat, good hygiene procedures must be followed to avoid harmful bacteria and molds entering our food.

The external parts are cleaned as often as necessary. It is enough to wash with soapy water or a suitable detergent.

When cleaning the back, the refrigerator must be switched off beforehand. A lot of dust accumulates there and must be removed at least several times a year.

Cleaning is done with an ordinary vacuum cleaner with a suitable nozzle for tight spaces. This will improve the conditions for heat exchange and reduce electricity consumption.

Cleaning the refrigerator
Cleaning the refrigerator

For refrigerators where the compressor is outside and not behind the inner wall, this procedure is especially important, as the accumulation of dust slows down the operation of the compressor and can even lead to problems.

Before cleaning the inside of the refrigerator, it must be disconnected from the power supply and all products must be removed from it.

If the refrigerator does not have a NoFrost system, its freezer must also be defrosted beforehand. It is recommended to clean the refrigerator part at least 3 times a month.

Cleaning can be done with water to which baking soda has been added - 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Soda, in addition to making surfaces perfectly clean, will also remove bacteria. Clean the rubber seals and the evaporator only with warm water.


Care must be taken to ensure that no water enters the thermostat or the lamp system during cleaning. The washed refrigerator is wiped inside and out with a dry soft cloth.

To remove unpleasant odors in the refrigerator, after cleaning put a slice of freshly sliced lemon, a glass of soda or vinegar or just a piece of plain bread.

If the smell is too strong, wipe the inside of the refrigerator with a cloth soaked in water and a little vinegar.

Of course, specially designed fragrances and carbon filters can also be used.
