Remove The Smell Of Fish In The Refrigerator

Remove The Smell Of Fish In The Refrigerator
Remove The Smell Of Fish In The Refrigerator

As fragile as a fish is, it smells easy because its fillet contains a lot of water. The unpleasant smell in the refrigerator or the room can be removed with some tricks.

The downside of fishy odor is that it can soak into other products in your refrigerator, spoiling their aroma and taste.

The most time consuming way is to wash the refrigerator with water and vinegar. The other option is to clean with baking soda and lemon juice.

In order not to get there, practical hosts advise on the shelves of the refrigerator to put cut into two lemons. The slices of black bread placed on the refrigerated shelves have a surprisingly good effect.

Baking soda also has good odor-absorbing properties. You can pour a few teaspoons of it into a saucer and place it in the refrigerator. Ground coffee has a similar effect.

An unconventional "additive" can find a place in your refrigerator. It is a pine branch. It has the amazing ability to absorb unpleasant odors and refresh the refrigerator and the rooms in which it is placed.


If you have a problem with the stronger aroma of the fish you cook, you can try the following tricks. After cleaning and washing the meat, place it in a tub of vinegar and a few crushed bay leaves (2-3).

If you do not have it available, you can replace the spice with black peppercorns or thyme. Thus, the fish stays for several hours before switching to heat treatment.

The persistent odor is well absorbed by onions and lemons. To do this, place the fish on a plate of sliced onions and lemons in slices, again arrange onions and lemons on it.

If you are going to fry the fish later, it is good to put a slice of potato in the fat, which also has the ability to remove the smell. When cooking, it is recommended to add a glass of fresh milk to the water in addition to the spices.

It would be nice after rubbing the fish to rub your hands with lemon slices. Natural oils and citrus juice will remove the unpleasant odor. The other option is to rub them with vinegar and then wash them thoroughly with warm water and soap.
