Foods That Should Never Be Kept In The Refrigerator

Foods That Should Never Be Kept In The Refrigerator
Foods That Should Never Be Kept In The Refrigerator

Although it does not sound logical, the refrigerator is not the best place to store different types of food. When you put some foods in it, they lose their taste, texture, aroma and even their good appearance when their surface turns black. Examples are basil, coffee, bread and watermelon. Here are the foods that should never be stored in the refrigerator.


Strange as it may sound, tomatoes should not be stored in the refrigerator. To see for yourself, do an experiment. After you buy the vegetables, put one tomato in the refrigerator and leave the other outside. After a day, try them and you will find that the one that is not stored in the refrigerator will taste better. This is due to the fact that cold air stops the ripening process. Low temperatures also change the structure of tomatoes. Keep tomatoes out of the refrigerator and buy quantities that you are sure you will be able to eat.


Although many refrigerators already have compartments for storing fresh spices, research shows that this is not good for basil. Stored there, the spice will absorb all the smells of the products in the refrigerator and its quality will drop. To store basil, place it in a glass of water, like a flower.



If you put potatoes in the refrigerator, the low temperature will turn their starch into sugar and they will look like cooked. The best way to store it is in a paper bag in a cool closet or in the basement if it is dry.


Many people believe that if you put bread in the refrigerator, its qualities will be stored longer. However, this is not true. The low temperature will cause the starch in it to crystallize much faster and this will significantly reduce its taste.


Coffee, like basil, has the ability to absorb all the odors of other products from the refrigerator. The best method to preserve its strong and fresh taste is to keep it in a tightly closed container in a dark cupboard.



Studies have found that watermelons stored outside refrigerators have a much stronger antioxidant effect and significantly better taste.


Bananas are tropical fruits, so keep them warm. Placed in the refrigerator, the bananas turn black and the ripening process in them stops.
