They Found A Mouse In A McDonald's Cafe

They Found A Mouse In A McDonald's Cafe
They Found A Mouse In A McDonald's Cafe

The world-famous fast food chain McDonald's has once again been harshly criticized. A restaurant of this type has attracted the wrath of consumers, this time because of a dead mouse that a man found in his coffee, according to Western media.

Canadian Ron Morais of Fredericton often visited fast food restaurants. The last time he passed McDonald's, however, he unexpectedly received a bonus to his coffee. When he removed the lid of his glass to finish his hot drink, the man saw a dead mouse in the bowl.

After the unpleasant incident, the staff of the restaurant immediately inspected all the premises, but the staff could not find traces of rodents. Experts from the Ministry of Health have also inspected the site, but they also deny finding anything wrong with it.

McDonald's has not yet apologized to the customer for the surprise he received with his coffee. They intend to do so only after unraveling the situation.

And although the company wonders how the mouse may have gotten there, the story remembers other cases in which unexpected gifts were found in food from fast food restaurants.

Some time ago, Greg and Stacey Terry were also very surprised after a visit to McDonald's. However, the couple got much luckier than Ron Morais and got a large sum instead of a rodent.


The family received thousands of dollars from a diner employee, which had to be sent to the bank for safekeeping. The incident happened when the couple passed through McDonald's to have breakfast, as usual. Instead of burgers, however, the paper envelope they received contained several thousand dollars, carefully arranged and packaged.

Probably everyone else in Greg and Stacey's place would keep quiet about what had happened. However, the two spouses turned out to be too conscientious and immediately returned to a restaurant, where they handed over the package with the money. At the same time, the employees of the restaurant had already found out about the mistake and were trying to find the customers, "raised" their turnover.
