Mushrooms - A Unique Creation Of Nature

Mushrooms - A Unique Creation Of Nature
Mushrooms - A Unique Creation Of Nature

More than a hundred species of edible mushrooms are widely known. Thanks to their aromatic and useful substances, mushrooms give dishes, soups, stews, salads a pleasant taste. The amount of protein in mushrooms is 30%, which is more than meat. Mushrooms also contain fiber, carbohydrates, amino acids and many different substances such as fatty acids, essential oils.

The most useful substance in the composition of mushrooms is beta glucan. Beta-glucans are natural polysaccharides. They are extremely important for the human immune system. Scientists even believe that due to the abundant presence of mushrooms in the lean menus of ancient people, they were able to maintain a good immune system.

Mushrooms are also used for medical purposes in the so-called fungotherapy. Medicine is aware of the importance of penicillin and other antibiotics contained in the fungus for the treatment of infectious diseases.

Mushroom tea, widely used in Eastern medicine, also has anti-inflammatory and intoxicating effects.

In folk medicine, different types of mushrooms are used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, alcoholism, tumors.

Mushrooms - a unique creation of nature
Mushrooms - a unique creation of nature

The benefits of using mushrooms are obvious. But is there any harm? The first disadvantage of mushrooms is that they are difficult to absorb by the body. Therefore, mushrooms are contraindicated in people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In order to be able to eat mushrooms and not have problems after that, you need to have a completely healthy digestive system.

The other disadvantage of mushrooms is that they have an extremely high ability to accumulate radioactive substances and various toxins. If the fungus has grown in contaminated soil, it can be deadly.

It is important to remember that after the mushrooms are cut, you need to cook them as soon as possible, because after 3-5 hours at room temperature they will begin to accumulate harmful substances. The mushrooms are stored in the refrigerator, but not more than one day after they have been harvested. It is good to keep them in containers with hard walls, because plastic bags will speed up the process of disintegration.

Ready-made mushroom dishes should be stored in the refrigerator in an enamel or ceramic plate.

Here are some mushroom dishes.
