Onions Are A Superfood For Diabetics

Onions Are A Superfood For Diabetics
Onions Are A Superfood For Diabetics

After thousands of years of cultivation, cultivated by the ancient Egyptians and Chaldeans, consumed by the Greeks, Romans and our ancestors, the onion is quite common and useful vegetable.

First grown in Afghanistan and Iran, onions rank first among the vegetables consumed. It is eaten both cooked and raw.

Onions have a great positive effect on health when eaten raw with salt or in salads. For those who have stomach problems, it is recommended to eat onions cooked. When cooked, onions retain their vitamins.

Onions stimulate the digestive system, cleanse the intestines, help make it easier to digest more difficult to digest substances. Helps with nervous disorders, insomnia, increases the body's resistance and protects the body from certain cancers and atherosclerosis.

One of the main substances contained in onions is quinine glaucoma. A rich source of vitamin C. Glaucoma quinine lowers blood sugar. This is especially important for diabetics.

Onion salad
Onion salad

Onions are a very effective antiseptic. Can be eaten in small pieces, lightly fried. Onion juice can be used as a medicine. Helps with acne. In the preparation of acne cream experts recommend the use of onions as a natural ingredient, which solves the problem in young people.

Onions have many features and benefits. This medicinal vegetable also helps with colds, fever, angina. It is effective in destroying microbes. It also helps with headaches, meningitis, relieves palpitations.
