Superfood For Diabetics

Superfood For Diabetics
Superfood For Diabetics

When it comes to healthy eating, we are increasingly confronted with the concept of superfoods. They are many in number and fortunately are not only exotic products coming to us from distant countries (such as avocados), but we also have them "on hand".

And as experts say - nutritionists, the more often we include in our diet superfoods, the longer we will enjoy good health.

However, not all superfoods are equally recommended for all people, especially those who suffer from diabetes and they need to watch much more closely what they consume. Therefore, we will dedicate the following lines to superfoodswhich are especially suitable for diabetics.

1. The broth

Legumes such as peas, lentils, beans and others lower cholesterol, provide heart health and balance blood sugar levels. We know that in our home kitchen we are used to consuming them with more fat, which is not desirable, when you suffer from diabetes. Apart from soups and fatty stews, do not forget that all legumes are used to make wonderful salads.

Sprouts are a superfood for diabetics
Sprouts are a superfood for diabetics

2. Sprouts and ponies

Do not think that we are entering the subject with the exotic superfoods, which you have nowhere to get. Nothing of the kind. You can grow both sprouts and ponies at home, but only after making sure which plants are suitable for this purpose. Because they have all the useful properties of legumes, but are much easier to digest. And unlike sprouts, ponies (representing the plant in its second phase of growth when it is over 5 cm) also contain chlorophyll, which regulates blood sugar and raises levels of good cholesterol at the expense of bad.

3. Low-fat dairy products

Note that they really should be low in fat when you suffer from diabetes. But otherwise, the more often you include them in your menu, the better for your health. There are many reasons to classify them as superfoods, but probably their biggest advantage is that they are very rich in calcium and vitamin D.

4. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is useful for diabetics
Oatmeal is useful for diabetics

Their consumption achieves better cellular sensitivity to insulin. It is important not to confuse natural oatmeal with muesli, which has many other additives, not to mention cornflakes.

5. Fish

The omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish reduce the levels of bad cholesterol and it is good for people suffering from diabetes to get used to eating fish twice a week. Not fried or breaded, but baked or steamed.
