Health Benefits Of Silver Water

Health Benefits Of Silver Water
Health Benefits Of Silver Water

People from ancient times have discovered the healing properties of silver. For example, in ancient Egypt, the wounds of the victims were covered with a thin silver foil. The skin healed quickly, and silver prevented the risk of infection. Similar techniques have been used in India, Rome and China. In our time, Americans have a practice of putting a silver coin in milk to extend its shelf life.

In the late 19th century, it became clear that silver was a powerful disinfectant that killed bacteria much more efficiently than most detergents.

The application of this element today is much more sophisticated. Relying on advanced technology, it is mostly used as colloidal silver with a concentration in water or the better known silver water.

Negatively charged silver ions are released into water by electrolysis from the silver cathode. How much silver will be in the water depends on the time in which the electrolysis took place. It also depends on the voltage and current in the electrodes.

Silver water has a very wide application - from disinfection of fruits and vegetables to washing wounds and against a number of diseases. It has a positive effect on weakening the immune system and helps to recover quickly after illness or after diets for weight loss.

Keep in mind that the use of silver water is not completely safe. In case of overdose, a person can get argyria, in which the color of his skin becomes green or blue.

The list of diseases that are claimed to help with silver water is almost endless and includes nearly 650 different diseases.


Silver water can be curative against viruses, fungi and bacteria inside the body, but it is also extremely effective in treating some skin problems, open wounds and ulcers and various skin infections. Relieves insect stings or bites and burns.

Silver water for acne

If used as a supplement to the diet needed to treat acne, it is mandatory to wash and clean your skin with silver water several times a day. She will be your indispensable helper. Use it on clean skin, rub and massage your face for a few minutes with your fingers or soaked in a fine cotton swab.

You can use this method both during the treatment of acne and as a preventive measure for the appearance of a new one.

Silver water for weakening the immune system

Weakening of the immune system is a common phenomenon, especially after the winter months and in the spring. Dynamic lifestyle, stress and poor nutrition also have their negative nuances.

Our immunity collapses even after a serious illness and taking antibiotics. At such times, silver water will be a good helper. Some experts call silver water a second immune system because of its ability to help restore our weakened immunity and prevent disease from developing in our body. However, do not rely entirely on silver water and always consult a doctor before starting self-medication.

Silver water also helps with allergies, appendicitis, arthritis, bladder infections, blood poisoning, burns, cholera, colitis, conjunctivitis, cystitis, dandruff, dermatitis, diabetes, dysentery, eczema, encephalitis, gastritis, gonorrhea, hay fever., chlamydia, indigestion, malaria, meningitis, pneumonia, rheumatism, rhinitis, inflammation of the eyes, ears, mouth and throat, herpes zoster, stomach infections, syphilis, candidiasis, thyroid infections, tonsillitis, warts, fungus drafts, whooping cough and more.

And once again we strongly emphasize that despite the indisputable qualities of silver water, it should not be used alone and without the supervision of a medical professional.
