7 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits Of Water

7 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits Of Water
7 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits Of Water

Our body is composed of about 60% water and therefore its intake is essential for the well-being of the body. The recommended the amount of water per day is about 8 cups, not less.

We give you 7 reasons to drink as much water as possible if you haven't started yet.

1. Helps with intense exercise - if you become dehydrated, exercise can be extremely exhausting. Losing just 2% of your body's water can lead to physical problems. So, drink plenty of water, especially if you sweat more during exercise.

2. Hydration affects brain activity and energy flow - water also affects brain function. Even mild dehydration can cost you a decrease in energy, loss of mood, memory problems and brain activity in general.

7 scientifically proven health benefits of water
7 scientifically proven health benefits of water

3. The water can relieve and prevent headaches - when it is a consequence of dehydration. Dehydration often leads to migraines and severe headaches in some people.

4. Drinking water can help with constipation - this is a problem that manifests itself in impaired bowel function. Water can alleviate these problems and restore the body's normal function in this direction.

7 scientifically proven health benefits of water
7 scientifically proven health benefits of water

5. Helps with kidney stones - water is believed to reduce the risk of kidney stones. However, more research is needed in this area.

6. Water prevents a hangover - A good way to insure against a hangover is to drink a glass of water between drinks, as well as one before bed. In part, the condition after drinking too much alcohol is due to dehydration, so water can be helpful here as well.

7 scientifically proven health benefits of water
7 scientifically proven health benefits of water

7. Helps to lose weight - when drink plenty of water, losing weight is easier. This is due to the fact that it can speed up the metabolism and give a feeling of satiety. That's why it's a good idea to drink a glass of water and then start eating. It is good to drink cold water because the body will expend extra effort (calories) to give it body temperature.
