Rice Vinegar Protects Against Deadly Diseases

Rice Vinegar Protects Against Deadly Diseases
Rice Vinegar Protects Against Deadly Diseases

Japanese scientists have proven that rice vinegar can be used as a means of preventing a number of deadly diseases.

Since ancient times, Eastern medicine has used vinegar in the treatment of various diseases.

According to experts, acetic acid, which is the main component of vinegar, can control blood pressure and glucose levels in the body.

In addition, this vinegar has been shown to activate genes responsible for metabolism.

meat with rice vinegar
meat with rice vinegar

A number of studies have been conducted in recent years to support the claim that vinegar, traditional for Asian cuisine, has healing properties.

Rice vinegar, unlike other types of vinegar, has lower acidity and a lighter taste, and its health properties are not observed in other products.

There are 2 types of rice vinegar, from which different variants are developed.

Basically, rice vinegar is Japanese and Chinese.

Chinese vinegar is characterized by a sharper and more sour taste. It produces 3 more types of vinegar, differing in color - colorless, black and red.


Many western countries also produce rice vinegar, but experts do not consider it of sufficient quality.

Rice vinegar is used to flavor and marinate seafood, salads, and as an additive to various sauces.

A 2007 study showed that vinegar had antibacterial properties against pathogenic bacteria causing gastrointestinal infections.

A demonstration in 2011 showed how ingestion of small doses of Japanese rice vinegar kurozu significantly reduced the number and size of tumors in the liver.

Another research team found that the use of rice vinegar lowers the levels of nitrate compounds in the colon, thus protecting it from toxic damage.

Taking 160 mg of vinegar every month increases blood sugar control in diabetics.

Rice vinegar lowers the levels of certain enzymes that damage the cell walls in the liver and allows cells to live longer and be more efficient.
