Scientists: A Handful Of Nuts A Day Protects Against Early Death

Scientists: A Handful Of Nuts A Day Protects Against Early Death
Scientists: A Handful Of Nuts A Day Protects Against Early Death

Eating just a handful of nuts a day can significantly reduce the risk of early death, say researchers at the University of Maastricht, who conducted a large-scale study.

For more than a decade, Dutch scientists have studied the effect that daily consumption of nuts has on the human body. They monitored the health of nearly 120,000 volunteers aged 55 to 69.

The results of the study clearly showed that those who ate at least 10 grams of nuts a day, the risk of premature death was reduced by nearly 23 percent, according to the BBC.

According to experts, regular consumption of nuts has reduced the risk of neurodegenerative diseases by an astonishing 45 percent.

It also turns out that nuts reduce the risk of respiratory diseases by 39 percent. People who eat nuts every day have a risk of developing diabetes up to 30 percent lower than those who avoid them.

Scientists advise everyone to include in their daily diet at least 100 g of nuts, regardless of their type. They have been shown to be rich in vitamins, fiber, antioxidants and other bioactive components.

After many years of nuts being restricted and even excluded from our menu by various self-proclaimed nutritionists and nutritionists because of their fat content and caloric content, they are now on the verge of rehabilitation.

In addition to being a valuable source of nutrients, they are an indispensable part of the diet of vegetarians and vegans because they can largely replace meat on their table.


How exactly you will consume the nuts - raw or roasted, is a matter of personal choice, experts say. According to them, both options have their advantages and disadvantages, so everyone must decide for themselves which is better for him.

Roasted nuts retain a lot of valuable nutrients, but contain additional amounts of fat and salt, which can lead to increased cholesterol or water retention.

Another potential drawback is the content of acrylamide, which is a by-product of aspartic acid, and is formed mainly during the roasting of almonds and hazelnuts. Acrylamide acts as a neurotoxin, has carcinogenic effects and can cause chromosome changes.

On the other hand, raw nuts that are not pre-soaked in water or dried can also be dangerous to health. They may contain phytic acid, enzymes and other substances as a natural protection against insect eating.

Phytic acid has the ability to block the absorption of important trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc.

In rare cases, sulfur nuts may contain bacteria such as salmonella as well as alpha toxins. Even minimal heat treatment removes salmonella bacteria, and baking can remove up to 50 percent of aflatoxins.
