Medicinal Properties Of Raisins

Medicinal Properties Of Raisins
Medicinal Properties Of Raisins

Raisins have many healing properties. Even in ancient Greek documents, raisins were mentioned as healing the sick and nourishing the exhausted.

The presence of potassium in raisins allows them to be used in edema and poisoning, because potassium has a diuretic effect and helps the body get rid of excess fluid and toxins.

People suffering from nervous system disorders and cardiovascular diseases should include raisins in their menu for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Raisins reduce irritation, are useful in general weakness and anemia. To strengthen the heart muscle, it is recommended to consume raisins according to a special scheme.

Two kilograms of pitted raisins are needed. Wash them and dry them. First, eat one kilogram, but not all at once, but forty raisins every morning before breakfast. Half an hour after the raisins you can have breakfast.

The second kilogram is eaten as follows: on the first day forty raisins are eaten, on the second - thirty-nine and so on until they are finished. Such prophylaxis can be done twice a year.

Dried fruit
Dried fruit

Raisin decoction is used in diseases of the respiratory system, severe cough, sore throat, high blood pressure. For bronchitis, sore throat and hypertension, one hundred grams of raisins are cut, poured with a glass of water and heated for ten minutes on low heat.

Then strain and squeeze. Drink one third of a cup of tea four times a day. In case of strong cough and runny nose, drink a decoction of raisins with onions.

One hundred grams of raisins are poured into a tea cup of boiling water, heated on low heat for ten minutes, filtered and squeezed. In the strained decoction add onion juice, but not more than one tablespoon. Drink half a cup of tea three times a day until the condition improves.

Raisins also help with skin ringworm. For this purpose, the raisins are cut in half and the affected areas are rubbed with their inner part. Even after the first procedure there is an improvement.

People with acute heart failure, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, as well as people who are obese, should not eat raisins.
