Nutrition According To Blood Type

Nutrition According To Blood Type
Nutrition According To Blood Type

Classification divides human blood into type A, type B, type AB and type O. Each of them is more susceptible to some diseases than others. There are certain foods suitable for the respective blood types that would help with prevention. If we comply with them, we can achieve overall good health.

Blood type A. People in this group are mostly vegetarians. They have a vulnerable immune system, a delicate digestive system that does not "like" meat, wheat flour, milk. A vegetarian diet rich in whole grains and vegetables is recommended.

Seafood, vegetables, beans, cereals, soy foods, nuts and fruits (including dried) are useful, at the expense of meat, especially sausages, and dairy products.

Relaxing physical activities such as yoga, cycling, swimming, hiking are well reflected.

Blood type B. There are the least restrictions for this group. Eat more meat, fish, dairy products, olives, eggs, legumes and grains, fruits and vegetables (excluding tomatoes). Avoid peanuts, corn, buckwheat, lentils - they affect the metabolism.

Recommended physical activities are hiking, tennis and swimming.

Nutrition according to blood type
Nutrition according to blood type

Blood group AB. A wide range of foods is included. Meat, seafood, dairy products, beans, fruits and green vegetables are best for you. Not recommended red meat, corn.

People of this blood type are prone to heart disease and anemia.

Blood type 0. It is believed that the digestive system of people with this blood type can process and eat high protein foods, meat, fish, fruits and vegetables.

Seafood, red meat, spinach and broccoli are good. Limit grains and legumes, cabbage, cauliflower, eggplant, potatoes. Avoid fizzy drinks and coffee. They can be replaced with tea. Herbs such as mint and linden are recommended.

According to scientists, people with zero blood type have a strong immune system and very active thyroid gland, it is difficult to adapt to changes in the environment and diet.
