What Tea To Drink According To Your Blood Type

What Tea To Drink According To Your Blood Type
What Tea To Drink According To Your Blood Type

Winter is the season when we drink the most tea, and the choice is so great. According to many scientific studies, blood type is closely related to food.

For each of the groups there are foods that can reduce a person's vital activity and those that can increase it. In the same way, according to the blood type, it can be determined what kind of tea each of us should drink. See which tea to emphasize more:

- If you are blood type AB, then you are probably extremely intuitive and you are one of the people who are not prone to stress, unlike other blood groups. Usually people with blood type AB also have reduced libido.

For men, it is recommended to drink a tea mixture of mint and nettle. Sandalwood, peony, green tea and mint are great choices for all members of this blood type. The combination between mint and green tea is especially suitable.

Chamomile tea
Chamomile tea

- If you are blood group B, then your body is prone to autoimmune diseases, you are lethargic, you have trouble sleeping. You are characterized by a slow metabolism. In general, people with blood type B have a stable digestive system, but poor protection against bacteria, especially the bacterium Escherichia coli.

It is recommended to drink cranberry tea, green tea is also suitable for you. The combination between lemon balm and sage is also very useful.

Tea according to blood type
Tea according to blood type

- Those who have blood type A are extremely emotional and easily susceptible to stressful situations. Because of this, most of them have high levels of cortisol (this is the stress hormone).

Plant foods are extremely beneficial for these people, and to overcome stress, it is good to indulge in yoga and meditation. The teas that are recommended as the most suitable are a mixture of calendula and thyme or green tea and jasmine. A decoction of jasmine alone is also suitable.

- Zero blood type - eating meat is extremely important for all who have blood type zero. What is not good to consume often are gluten and milk. These people know how to protect themselves from stress, but unfortunately they often suffer from heartburn. The recommended tea for people of this blood type is ginseng, mate, green tea and ginger.
