Hangovers From Around The World

Hangovers From Around The World
Hangovers From Around The World

The hangover is a problem that people around the world are causing. In our country, the means that are most used and that are known to help, as they have been tested many times, are tripe soup and cabbage juice.

At first, a slice of ham and orange juice can have a miraculous effect. A more drastic method is beer, which for some is really light, for others it remains just a myth, and others who have tried it on themselves find it the worst possible way to prevent alcohol headaches.

But given that belly soup is not consumed worldwide, it is interesting to look at how hangovers are fought in different parts of the world. What are the most effective tools and can we try them in our latitudes, if necessary.

Let's start with the neighborhood - the Romanian approach is very similar to our kings. In Romania, anyone who has a hangover problem should eat beef belly soup, which contains a lot of salt, garlic and vinegar and, last but not least, cream.

The Scots too suffer from a hangover. They have found a cure for this terrible condition - kefir. It must be drunk hot, and black pepper, salt and a teaspoon of cornflower are added to it.

Folk recipes against hangovers
Folk recipes against hangovers

According to a recent study by British scientists, it is clear that the best salvation from a hangover is honey. Another thing that scientists suggest is to drink a glass of milk with honey in the morning when you feel your head is too big and too heavy.

In Puerto Rico, they use a very interesting approach before they start drinking - something like that preliminary measure against hangover. Puerto Ricans rub a slice of lemon under their arm, but only on the hand with which they will drink. They claim that this is very effective. In addition - because it is possible to forget after one of the cups which is the rubbed hand, it is best to rub a lemon under both arms.

In Haiti, they are also quite interesting - they make a voodoo doll from the bottle that caused them this condition. It is not very clear when and how exactly they manage to do it, if they have terrible hangover, but the more interesting thing comes later - after the doll is ready, they stick 13 needles into the cap of the bottle. It is important that the needles are black.

The Americans solve the hangover problem with a fierce egg yolk cocktail, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco sauce, salt and pepper. The drink is called "Happy John". In addition, they claim that large amounts of the most popular carbonated drink in the United States helps a lot the next morning, accompanied by bacon with eggs.

Hangover at work
Hangover at work

The drunk Japanese do breathing exercises - inhale slowly and deeply for 6 seconds, then hold your breath for another 6 seconds and exhale slowly for the next 6 seconds. Another way to improve the unpleasant condition - eat plums, which is made on pickles (Umeboshi) - the purpose is to melt in the mouth.

You can also apply the secret of geishas - dip a towel in hot water, add 1-2 drops of peppermint oil and apply on face for 1 minute.

The Finns are struggling with a hangover in the sauna - 2-3 entries of 5-7 minutes are able to completely cleanse the blood of alcohol.

Hangover is not a problem of modern times - since ancient times people have suffered from alcohol abuse. In ancient Greece, they ate fried canaries, and in ancient Rome, an interesting mixture of two owl eggs and sheep's lungs - this was actually their breakfast.

Which of these drugs you would try and which you would trust remains your decision, but in order not to get there, it is best to consume alcohol in moderation.
