Beans Are Excellent Food

Beans Are Excellent Food
Beans Are Excellent Food

Beans are an ancient annual plant. It has been known to mankind for thousands of years. In our country it is second among cereals and legumes, but it is extremely valuable because of its rich palette of vitamins and minerals.

Beans contain cellulose, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, carotene and vitamin A, B1, B2, C, E, as well as proteins, many times more than those of lentils, beans and peas, for example. The plant is cold-resistant and is one of the first spring vegetables. All this makes it an excellent food.

The vegetable blooms in fragrant and nectar-rich white flowers. The fruit it bears is a hard and tough pepper. After ripening, it turns brown. There are several known varieties of beans, and Super Simonia and Guadaluche are grown in Bulgaria.

Beans, in addition to cooking, are also used to regulate the functions of the digestive system. This is due to the cellulose contained in it, which accelerates metabolic processes. This determines its frequent use in diets.

A large amount of tyramine is found in vegetables. This acid, once in the brain, stimulates the release of the hormone norepinephrine in the brain. This in turn has an arousing and invigorating effect.

Its action is on the principle of coffee, but without the negatives. Therefore, beans are eaten against drowsiness, but only during the day. Do not consume it in the evening, as it will interfere with sleep.

Benefits of Beans
Benefits of Beans

There is no trace of cholesterol in beans, which is why it is extremely useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system. It contains the natural amino acid L-dopa, used to treat Parkinson's disease. It is also used to control hypertension.

Green seeds and young green beans are most often used in the preparation. Due to the thick shell and the specific taste, mature seeds are rarely used for human consumption.
