Prepare The Perfect Weissbrat Beef Fillet?

Prepare The Perfect Weissbrat Beef Fillet?
Prepare The Perfect Weissbrat Beef Fillet?

Beef is preferred in many countries around the world. It prepares both easy everyday foods such as burgers and exquisite specialties that can impress even the most demanding connoisseurs of culinary art.

Red and especially beef are usually difficult to cook and require more time in the kitchen. However, cooking Weissbrat beef fillet is extremely easy, provided that it offers a great taste of a sophisticated dinner to impress your guests.

The necessary products for four servings are 800 grams of beef counter fillet, two tablespoons of mustard, black pepper to taste, eight tablespoons of olive oil, four tablespoons of butter, four tablespoons of flour, two teaspoons of marjoram, one onion, 400 grams of mushrooms, 200 ml aromatic white wine, rosemary and salt.

Cut the meat into slices no thicker than two cm and hammer them, being careful not to tear them. Spread them with mustard and sprinkle with black pepper. Leave them in the cold for an hour and a half.

Mix the flour with the marjoram. Use this mixture for breading. In a hot pan, fry the pre-rolled meat on both sides in the flour on both sides. Once it turns golden, remove it from the pan, not throwing away the fat. In it, sauté the finely chopped onion until it acquires a slightly golden color. To it add 100 grams of sliced mushrooms, wine, 100 ml of water, rosemary and salt.

Then add the meat again and cover the pan with a lid. Allow to simmer for 30 or 40 minutes. Bake on low heat. In a separate pan, fry the remaining mushrooms in oil and olive oil. If you are adventurous, add a tablespoon of sugar, so the mushrooms will acquire a delicate caramelized appearance and taste.

Beef fillet
Beef fillet

It is good for the mushrooms to be fresh and preferably of the slaughterhouse type. Weissbrat beef fillet is served in large and preferably porcelain plates.

The dish is complemented by a garnish of stewed vegetables and stewed rice with noodles. It combines extremely well with heavy red wine, as this drink helps to express the taste of the dish.
